Mathematics in Duckburg

Nils Lid Hjort nils at
Wed Feb 18 19:16:41 CET 2004

>From : 
various cultural events arranged by the students
of the Mathematics and Sciences Faculty of the
University of Oslo. They also feature various 
"popular science lectures" [see under "pop.vit." 
at the website mentioned; ].
Among these: 

"Mathematics in Duckburg"
with Professor Nils Lid Hjort, 
Department of Mathematics

Friday February 20, 12.15 - 13.00,
Auditorium 1, Vilhelm Bjerknes Building

I will illustrate various mathematical themes as 
illustrated in and related to the literary canon of 

The website (and the pamphlet) say that "there is 
room for 250 people at this lecture, but at least
800 will brag afterwards that they have been there".

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