Steve Behling Danehog at
Tue Feb 24 03:49:14 CET 2004

Shad Z. wrote:

> From: Danehog at
>>Shad Z. wrote:
>>>Once again, the contents of the latest Disney 
>>Quick question: does Heidi MacDonald still edit the 
>>comics page? I remember I had a subscription to 
>>Disney Adventures roughly eleven years ago, and she 
>>edited it then. I only ask this because I've seen her 
>>name pop up several times recently (not related to 
>>Disney Adventures). 
> No, she does not.  The current comics editor at Disney
> Adventures is Steve Behling.

I'm surprised; I thought he mainly created "how-to-draw" books based on 
Marvel characters. (It isn't very comforting that I know that.)
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                           "Itinerant Penguin Jedi"
                          Reply to - danehog at
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