Heidi MacDonald: Disney Adventures Editor?

Danehog@aol.com Danehog at aol.com
Tue Feb 24 03:53:32 CET 2004

SRoweCanoe at aol.com wrote:

>>Quick question: does Heidi MacDonald still edit the 
>>comics page?
> Heidi went to DC for a couple years (editing Vertigo), was let go in 
> of those DC staff massacres some years  back   - so what is she doing now?

Disney to Vertigo. What a jump.

A quick Google search revealed that she was apparently an editor for the 
(underpar, in my opinion) "Looney Tunes" comic book from 1999 to 2000.


That index isn't nearly as good as Inducks, of course, but it works.
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                           "Itinerant Penguin Jedi"
                          Reply to - danehog at aol.com
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