The Sharpie Of Cluebra Cut And Other Unprinted Rosa Stories
Olaf Solstrand
olaf at
Fri Feb 27 22:23:17 CET 2004
På Fri, 27 Feb 2004 14:39:12 -0600, skrev Jonathan H. Gray
<jongraywb at>:
> Curiosity is getting the better of me. Has "The Sharpie Of Culebra Cut"
> seen print in America yet and if so in what Uncle Scrooge issue did it
> see print?
Doesn't seem to have, according to INDUCKS.
> Lastly, how many Rosa stories do we have left to catch up on? I'm
> practically aching to see Letter From Home, Dream Of A Lifetime, and the
> Kalevalavelavalevalavaelvalevalealaelelavllvaelvlelvalalvlevlvelvelveva
> (can you tell I have no clue how to spell that thing? ^___^) story.
Kalevala. The story is "The Quest for Kalevala".
> Anybody have any insight?
No, but I _do_ have access to INDUCKS. Meaning I can answer you anyway.
Don Rosa stories not published in the USA:
G TEM 9510 - "Gyro's Beagletrap"
D 99078 - "Quest For Kalevala"
D 98346 - "Escape From Forbidden Valley"
F PM 01201 - "The Sharpie of the Culebra Cut"
D 2001-024 - "The Crown Of The Crusader Kings"
D 2001-095 - "Forget It!"
D 2002-033 - "The Dream Of A Lifetime"
D 2003-017 - "Trash And Treasure"
...and also "A letter from home / The old castle's other secret" and
anything Don may have written after that (The black knight glorps again,
and... anything more?)
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