Cute cuddly characters

GGK ggk at
Thu Jun 17 19:34:59 CEST 2004

Michiel Prior :

>I really like the way Don Rosa drew José Carioca in his
>first 3C story, at the bottom of the 27th page, when José
>is very sad, and with all the shading on his beak, making
>it look real rounded. I felt sooo sorry for poor José...

I agre. The way Jose looks (moustly the ayes) make me sad as well.
One more sad picture is Donald on page 2.

One more relly cute picture is Donald and Gladstone as kids in "The Sing"
story. I seen some storys showig Gladston as a child by varius artists and
as far Rosa-Version is the best.

>I also like his first scene, with the reflection in the

For me the best part of the story is the music number. One of moust
fantastic (wonderfull) moment's I saw in a duck story.

> I miss José's cigar, though.

Yes, k'now what you have in maind. In movie Jose have his cigar in evry sene
and here it's Ignor. How ever it's good for Jose he quit smoking, and don't
have to be afrait he get Cancer.


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