First to name Duckburg

David Gerstein ramapith at
Sun Nov 7 18:36:45 CET 2004

	Hey Rob,

> I think I DO remember seeing that name [Duckburg] on a panel or two in 
> the newspaper strips, but don't have time to look through all the 
> reprinted newspaper strips in my old US Comics and Stories issues

	For what it's worth, I've carefully read a complete run of WDC&S up to 
the point where Duckburg is first mentioned in a Barks story (issue 
49), and I've seen no newspaper strip containing the word Duckburg.
	A few early strips do mention a home town, but it's never Duckburg.

> I can also picture in my mind viewing the word "Duckburg" or 
> "Duckburgh" on the
> header of a newspaper Donald was reading in a very late 1930s or an 
> early 1940s
> Donald Duck animated short

	With all respect, Rob, I think you may be conflating two memories.
	We've just mentioned the word "Quackville" appearing on a newspaper 
Donald reads in an early 1940s Barks story ("Kite Weather", WDC&S 42). 
And then there's the animated short HOCKEY CHAMP (1939), where Donald 
has a trophy naming him hockey champion of a town (or a swamp!) called 
"Duck Swamp".

> it may well have been Barks who used it in the short

	And Barks did work on HOCKEY CHAMP.


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