Shops in Copenhagen
Rob Klein
bi442 at
Fri Apr 1 04:30:49 CEST 2005
It's been almost 10 years since I lived and worked in Copenhagen, but there are a few more
shops that
WERE worth looking at for used Anders And, Anders and extra, and other Danish Disney
1) Yes, you should go to Pegasus. In addition, you should go to the following:
2) "Antikvariatet" in Amager (On Sundby, south of Christianshavn). The address is
Amagerbrogade 22.
Tell the owner, Uffe Sand, that I sent you.
3) The (antikvariat) book store on Elmegade. I forget its name, but it used to have many
used comics.
4) The (antikvariat) book store on Hans Egedes Gade (just north of Rantzausgade, before it
ends at
Jagtvej). This shop also had thousands of used comics.
Danish DCMLers please fill us in as to whether or not these other shops are still worth
visiting. thanks.
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