DCML Digest, Vol 26, Issue 16

David Gerstein ramapith at verizon.net
Wed Apr 13 13:56:31 CEST 2005

	Hey Lars,

>>> I have no clue as to which [Donald Duck newspaper strips Carl Barks]
>>> actually wrote. Apart from 39-09-11, which was spotted by Michael
>>> Naiman and published in Comic Book Marketplace # 40.
>> But how did Michael Naiman know that this strip was written by Barks?
> Nobody knows the answer to this?

	Er... sorry not to have chimed in earlier.
	As far as I know, Michael asked Barks himself.

	Since that time, I've found at least one other DD daily strip from the 
same time period that unmistakably prefigures a later Barks one-page 
gag. Donald has the "Phooie Six" fancy car demonstrated for him by a 
showman at a used car lot. The car seems to pass muster with Donald: 
"Okay, I'll take a chance on the Phooie Six," and we think he's going 
to buy it. But in fact, he's just buying one ticket in a lottery with a 
chance to win it.
	I THINK the strip is YD 40-07-30; I don't have it here to reference.
	But the later Barks comic book version, alike almost to the dialogue, 
is W OS 386-04. There the "Phooie Six" has become the "Soupline Eight."

	Of course, since Barks has now passed away, I guess we can't REALLY 
tell for sure whether Barks simply borrowed a Bob Karp gag for W OS 
386-04, or contributed the original version of the gag to the YD strip.


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