DCML Digest Issue 16

Kai Saarto ksaarto at mbnet.fi
Mon Aug 22 13:44:20 CEST 2005

Don Rosa wrote:

>But the editors objected to my use of Bolivar in that fashion. It's been too
>many years so I don't recall the exact reason... but probably they didn't
>like how I would be presenting Bolivar as a new addition to the Duck family
>(even though, to my American mind, he *would* be). So I was directed to
>delete all reference to Bolivar from that story and rewrite it without a dog
I am being afterwise here, but it springs to mind that editors would 
have been made happy by simply inserting one extra page at the beginning 
setting the whole thing up as trip down to memory lane.

DD: "Good ol' Bolivar!! You boys remember how we met him?"
HDL: "Sure do, unce Donald. That was some adventure..."
Daisy: "I haven't heard that one. Do tell me."

Okay, adding a page probably isn't simple. Have to dig up that story and 
reread it.

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