Uncle Scrooge for Toddlers

L. Schulte lschulte at sfstoledo.org
Wed Jun 15 18:22:50 CEST 2005

Yes, as mentioned earlier, simply reading the stories out loud - with some 
summarizing of course, and "easification" of vocabulary - might e the 
ticket.  That is what my mother did with me and the original Barks (and 
others) stories, and I was able to read before age 5!  Somehow I figured 
out the curious spelling of English and was able to read the Barks (+) 
stories on my own before the First Grade, with some difficulty of course, 
but I remember looking forward to the mail every 4 weeks.  My mother 
purchased a subscription for both Unlce Scrooge and WDCS and maybe even for 
the separate Donald Duck series.

The Little Golden Books/Duck Tales might be another ticet as well.  Highly 

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