Scan request

Katie Sullivan vazali at
Fri Mar 25 04:00:35 CET 2005

Hello, everyone!

It's been ages since I've checked in on the list.  Hope you're
all well!

I've been enjoying all the new Gemstone issues, of course. 
Nothing but good things to say about them.  :)

As I was skimming through the last few months' worth of digests
that were languishing unread in my e-mail folders, I saw some of
the great pictures from the Disney comics display in Paris. 
Wow, I wish I could have seen all that in person!  It would be
so fun to dive into a pile of (soft!) money bags!  :D  Heck, for
an American like me it would just be great to be in a room with
that many Disney comic fans!
Among the great photos some of you linked to, I spotted a Zio
Paperone issue in a display case amid a bunch of other comics. 
I cropped and enlarged it, but it's still really small and
grainy.  I don't suppose some nice person could scan a better
quality image for me?  I'd really appreciate it!

Here's the cover in question, as best I could pick it out of the
larger photo...

It is, of course, a picture of Scrooge and Goldie.  (No one ever
said I didn't have a one-track mind!  LOL!)  It looks like it's
for Don Rosa's "The Dream of a Lifetime."  I'm guessing it's
drawn by Marco Rota.
If someone can get me a better scan of this cover, I would be
very grateful!  :)

Warm wishes,

Katie Sullivan

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