1950's Disney Comics Strip Offices in New York?
timo ronkainen
timoro at hotmail.com
Fri May 6 16:52:24 CEST 2005
Hello all!
I was re-reading Trina Robbins' book about women cartoonists. I copy on
excerpt here:
Marie Severin, possibly this country's most respected woman super hero
[...] her employer, EC Comics, was experiencing difficulties [..] and she
knew it
was time to look for other work. Severin had heard that Walt Disney
had offices in New York City, so she looked them up. At the front desk, a
man with a Disney moustache did not bother to look at her portfolio.
Instead, he
informed her that Disney didn't hire women. "No women? Not at all?"
the aghast artist, who had been used to more egalitarian treatment at EC.
The little
man replied, "Follow me, I'll show you." He led her to a huge room with
rows of desks. At each desk was a lamp, and under each lamp sat a man in a
white shirt, drawing. "See?" said the little man. Severin realized that she
want to work at a place like that, anyway.
It goes without saying that all those white-shirted men working for Disney
white, white-shirted men. If, after the war, action-oriented comics became a
only domain, all nationally syndicated comics were and had been a white-only
(A Century Of Women Cartoonists).
I was wondering what was this bull ben staff? Western? Disney's own shop?
Who were those men? I thought that every cartoonist (excluding Comic Strip
Department in Cal) worked as freelance at home. Does anybody know?
Best Wishes
Cartoonist - writer - donaldist -
Timo Ronkainen ---------------- -
YO-kylä 52 A 26 --------------- -
20540 Turku ------------------- -
Finland ----------------------- -
041 489 77 81--------------- -
timoro at hotmail.com
timoro2 at yahoo.com
eFax 1 214 481 33 30 ----- -
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