
Mark Doukakis mark.doukakis at
Tue Nov 8 19:22:54 CET 2005

Here's the problem that I have: I really don't mind paying $7.52 (includes
CA tax) once a month or so for a comic that contains a good Rosa story. I
even buy 2 copies, one for my collection and one "reader" copy. But I resent
like the dickens having to pay 3 times that amount for a single story as is
the case with the Comics & Stories that spread one Rosa story over 3 issues!
That's $22.57 for a single Rosa story. Classics like "The Treasury of
Croesus," "The Universal Solvent," "The Incredible Shrinking Tightwad,"
"Attack of the Hideous Space Varmints," and both "Caballeros Ride Again" and
"Minus Four Caballeros" all cost in the realm of $22-$23 each! That's
ridiculous, plain and simple. If nothing else these ought be reserved for
UNCLE SCROOGE issues that put the story in one edition. Leave other short
10-pagers for C&S where they traditionally belong.

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