Hannibal Hound Dog

David Gerstein ramapith at verizon.net
Fri Apr 21 16:24:18 CEST 2006

     Hey Harry,

     In quoting me re: the hound dog formerly known as Hannibal, you  
quoted me incompletely, and I'm not sure if readers will understand  
why I came to the conclusion I did. I hope you won't mind if I  
present a little bit more of my reasoning (the angle-bracketed  
section was missing before):

     * * * * *

     For many years we inducksers have called Hard Haid Moe's dog  
"Hannibal Hound Dog." This came about because the dog was called  
Hannibal in several different European translations of S 64099. Since  
the name Hannibal is common in English, we concluded that it must be  
his English first name, and that the other publications took it from  
the original.
     Since all other S-coded stories called the character just Hound  
Dog or Houn' Dawg, we took that to be his surname. Thus, Hannibal  
Hound Dog.

     { Unfortunately... [in the original] English version of S 64099  
[...] the dog is in fact only called Hound Dog in it! No Hannibal in  
English anywhere.
     So... the name Hannibal appearing in several different  
translations of S 64099 indicates only that [some non-English  
editions of the story were] translated from another non-English  
edition, rather than from the English original. )

     We should eliminate "Hannibal" in the English name [in INDUCKS].


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