"Lydia" censored in US?

Olivier mouse-ducks at wanadoo.fr
Fri Feb 17 18:55:57 CET 2006

Hi everyone !

- Olaf -

>>>> translation. The Norwegian translation of these lyrics contains some
>>>> with such semi-erotic content that it seems VERY unlikely to me that
>>>> the lines in the Norwegian lyrics came from the head of the translator
>>>> based on the lines I quote above.

A while ago I uploaded a recording of  "Lydia" on my site:

Surprisingly, the Norwegian edition's lyrics aren't in there, though they
seemed familiar.
Well, it does feature "She has eyes that men adore so and here torso even
more so".
There's also "For a dime you can see Kentucy or Paris or Washington crossing
the Delaware", but no "Sugarloaf Mountain" nor Napoleon.
http://www.whyaduck.com/info/movies/scenes/lydia.htm has the transcription
of  the song you'll hear on my site-- unfortunately, I had lost the source
of  the mp3 file by the time I included it.
http://members.tripod.com/Cleo256/marx/lydia.html also has the lyrics, with
the introduction, and a wav file.

I couldn't find "For five she'll show you Sugarloaf Mountain" through

It may be that were several versions of  the songs, which Groucho may have
changed as inspiration struck him, so that there would be a stage version
and a recorded version, and maybe yet another one.
(The page above credits the song to E.Y. Harburg & Harold Arlen, but Groucho
may have changed it at some point all the same-- or the authors themselves,
for that matter)

The Norwegian translaotr / editor might then have searched for the lyrics,
found one of  these versions, and deemed it funnier than the lines quoted.

Or maybe Don gave the lyrics he had for the full song, and let each editor
pick the lines he preferred, the sole condition being that the running gag
of  the song be kept.

I'm curious to know the answer.
In any case, the song is great, and the story's gag is hilarious when you
know it and imagine Donald singing it.


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