FCBD & Donald

BJ Wanlund bj_wanlund at yahoo.com
Wed May 3 04:10:18 CEST 2006

Barry, I have to say to the whole group that you are a
lifesaver!  I cannot even believe that you might still
have DDA #29 in stock!  How much would THAT puppy set
me back??  I've also been trying to find Taliaferro
Donald strips.  There is no one place that every
single one of the strips has been put in, as far as I
know.  BTW, could you please send me the FCBD Donald
Gemstone book not only from this year, but also the
previous years (i think it started with "Majarajah
Donald" a few years back.  I have been looking for the
recent FCBD Donald books for awhile now, as I am a
bigtime Donald fan.  Gottfredson can be worthy of some
of my love as well.  Even though he mainly did Mickey
(whom I still believe to be a square to this day), he
really put some effort into it.

If David Gerstein or Steve Geppi from Gemstone is
reading this (i know Gerstein is), I'd like to see a
true Taliaferro TPB that collects not only his Donald
Duck comic strips (both dailys and Sundays), but also
his rare delvings into the Barks-style stories, if
possible.  I have "Mickey And The Gang" from you guys.
 Man, that set me back a pretty penny!  If we could
have lower prices on that one, i'd appreciate it.  I
am also going to preorder the Walt Disney Treasures
TPB from Amazon US.  Luckily, that's not as expensive
as my softcover Mickey and the Gang.  Egad, that is
one heck of a book, if not extremely expensive.  Just
the Disney Good Housekeeping reprints alone would have
made the book like $15 or so.  But you really put some
effort into it, which justifies the outrageous price
on it.  I know a lot of people both on here and
elsewhere have been asking for it for some time, but
is this a part of the "more after summertime" stuff
you hinted at in the Scoop newsletter (which I also
get)?  If so, that'd be great!  Maybe make it a
preorder bonus for the DCML people, and we'd be all

Cheers everyone,

--- dcml-request at nafsk.se wrote:

>    3. FCBD & Donald  (UNDBKB at aol.com)
>    4. Re: FCBD &
Donald(olaf.solstrand at andebyonline.com)
> > From: UNDBKB at aol.com
> To: dcml at nafsk.se
> Date: Mon, 1 May 2006 10:48:38 EDT
> Subject: FCBD & Donald 
> I again will ship the Free Comic Book Day comic to
> European accounts at my 
> cost.
> For a group of people in one place, one of you can
> send a mailing address and 
> I can ship a quantity to one place.
> Send me an email and I will reply.
> Free Comic Book Day is May 6th and I will ship after
> that day.
> For the person looking for certain Donald Duck
> comics,(DDA #29 and another) I 
> will see if I have them.
> I am away from the store for 2 days, but I will
> return on Wednesday.
> Regards,
> Barry
> > From: olaf.solstrand at andebyonline.com
> CC: dcml at nafsk.se
> To: UNDBKB at aol.com
> Date: Mon, 1 May 2006 18:34:16 +0200 (CEST)
> Subject: Re: FCBD & Donald
> > I again will ship the Free Comic Book Day comic to
> European accounts at my
> > cost.
> > For a group of people in one place, one of you can
> send a mailing address
> > and
> > I can ship a quantity to one place.
> > Send me an email and I will reply.
> > Free Comic Book Day is May 6th and I will ship
> after that day.
> Greetings,
> that is very nice of you. If not too much trouble, I
> would be greatful if
> you sent two copies (one of them for my donaldist
> girlfriend) to:
> Olaf Solstrand
> Postboks 10
> N-9013 Tromsø
> Norway
> Thank you very much in advance! :-)
> Best,
> Olaf & Kristin Cecilia

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