DCML Digest, Vol 53, Issue 7

Todd Klein tklein28 at aol.com
Tue Jul 10 18:10:48 CEST 2007

> Todd:
>>>> Thanks for the info, Olivier. Most browsers seem to have no problem
>>>> with that, but I'll see if I can fix it for those that do. What 
>>>> browser
>>>> are you using? It may explain a lot of the records of "failed 
>>>> request"
>>>> on my site.
> I'm using Internet Explorer v 6.
> Olivier

Yes, I should have known that, Microsoft products are always fussy with 
file names. I spent about 3 hours this morning renaming folders and 
restoriing broken links. I have a few more hours of work to do on it, 
then I'll upload new files and you should be able to see everything. 
Don't think I'll get it done today, though.

In the meantime, you might try reloading pages you're looking at, 
sometimes that pulls in the images.

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