Uncle Scrooge on Sale

Olivier (M&D) mouse-ducks at orange.fr
Sun Apr 5 16:07:22 CEST 2009

>>>> I don't think it is a total Disney lack of support,
>>>> but by the merchandising people.
>>>> We need to educate the people making merchandise 
>>>> that we want more Scrooge related merchandise.
>>>> They produce what they sell!

I guess the problem is the same verywhere.
Companies, stores and store departments are no longer owned and run by people who chose such or such specialty because they are interested in it (selling computers, producing movies, working for Disney not for prestige or money but out of love of the Disney legacy, ...) but by people with a management degree of some sort whose only concern is getting the highest paid job the quickest way possible, in whatever branch, and just apply the same generic one-size-fits-all management and marketing formula to anything and everything, with their minds focused only on the next step toward millionaireship as the head of  any company.

One month they sell books in a huge store but never read anything, the next month they run the computer department without knowing how turn on one, the next year they run a car dealership or an luxury underwear store, the year after that they run the animation department of a new studio, and eventually end up running all or part of Universal Studios or IBM or The Walt Disney Company or General Motors, and keep making stupid decisions or agreeing to the stupid decisions of the next greedy generation, who applies the exact same method.
In the end, nobody cares about anything, and even the most obvious decisions are not even considered by those in charge while thousands of people do come up with those simple ideas and the demand is huge, just because the powers that be have zero knowledge of,  nor interest in, whatever it is they are selling.


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