Zodiac Stone questions

David Gerstein ramapith at gmail.com
Fri Aug 28 12:47:14 CEST 2015

	Hey Kriton,

> (I guess these questions are for David.)

	I guess so, too. And thanks (-: Good to be in touch again!

> Thus, my question is, what was the contribution of each of the numerous colorists mentioned in the ["Zodiac Stone"] credits? Did IDW get the coloring from the Greek edition, making various modifications? Did they get the coloring from the Greek edition of some chapters, while other chapters were colored by others? Both? Something else?

	We got the coloring from the Greek edition of ALL chapters, because it was the best-looking color I knew to exist on the story. But Greece had... er, rather manhandled the story...

	See, each original Italian chapter starts with a full-page "Search for the Zodiac Stone" title panel and series recap on Page 1; then a splash panel and chapter title on Page 2.
	Nea Aktina removed Italian Page 1 of each chapter entirely, then revised Page 2 to shorten the splash panels, enlarge (or replace) the title scrolls, move voice balloons around - essentially, whatever needed done to make the Page 2s INTO new Page 1s.

	Now, I wanted to use the original Italian openings at IDW, so what we're doing is -

	We have Digikore Studios (one of our usual coloring teams) recolor Italian Page 1 of each chapter from scratch, matching the Greek color style when possible.
	And then Digikore recolors Italian Page 2 of each chapter to match the Greek "Page 1" closely in terms of color, while preserving the original Italian layout (with voice balloons where they should be, etc.)

	Then IDW Page 3 and onward = the Greek "Page 2" and onward, taken directly; but with our fearless letterers/production people Travis and Nicole Seitler correcting the colors so that the characters match their American color schemes (i. e. Goofy and his sweater!).

> Which of the two versions is the original? Did the Greeks squeeze the art in the top panel, or was more art added in the US edition?

	IDW is more original, but only retroactively so, as you see...

> Did they even produce comics that way back in 1990, so that the latter might be an option?

	I wish they had! But there aren't many who even do it that way NOW! (...mumble... eggs instead of turkey...)


David Gerstein
ramapith at gmail.com

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