DCML Digest, Vol 153, Issue 4

Per Starbäck 699 at nafsk.se
Thu Aug 1 08:37:12 CEST 2024

Thanks for even more thanks and testimonies to what the list has meant.
It is nice to hear, and it has meant a lot to me as well.

The net was such a different place back then when only a few people had
access to email. I remember that a long time ago (even before the DCML
existed) I posted paper mail to Dana Gabbard (then editor of fanzine The
Duckburg Times, now sadly deceased), and I included my email address on the
off chance he could use that.

My email adress back then was of an ancient format – a UUCP "bang path" not
usable today –
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-Internet_email_address#Delivery_path .
Anyway, he didn't know what that was for, so he faithfully included it on a
line of the envelope of his (paper) answer to me, probably thinking that
Swedish zip codes looked really strange! :-)

Things have changed so much! More people getting access to email meant a
lot for international Disney comics fandom, and that eventually a mailing
list for that would be created was just a matter of time. I was glad to be
there, and to do that earlier than it would have happened otherwise. I had
thought about it for some time, but wasn't sure there would be enough
members or traffic to make it worthwhile.

One of the inspirations for thinking that it might work was the already
existing "ranger-list" about The Disney Afternoon on television, which I
joined even though I had limited exposure to most of the series discussed
there. That list was managed by Stephanie da Silva who also managed a list
of "Publicly Accessible Mailing Lists". It was nice to see our new list
"disney-comics" appear on that list!

Contact: disney-comics-request at studen.docs.uu.se (Per Starback)

Purpose: Discussion of Disney comics.

The listing unfortunately had a typo in the email address, but after that
was fixed it surely led to many new subscribers finding the list. That
should instead be "student" in the email address – I had access to that
system as a computer science student. The system administrator there was
very kind to set it up for me. Incidentally I happened to visit him
yesterday so I mentioned this and thanked him (again).

I'm rambling a bit here, and only about the very beginnings of the list.
Don Rosa joining the list in April 1993 was of course a big thing and had a
big impression on the list:
And also having other professionals on the list, by joining or by becoming.

Anyway, see (some of) you later, somewhere else!
Per Starbäck
 "Life is but a gamble!  Let flipism chart your ramble!"
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