DCML Digest, Vol 153, Issue 4
Tommaso Bonini
gorthan at gmail.com
Thu Aug 1 17:32:13 CEST 2024
> Thanks for even more thanks and testimonies to what the list has meant.
> It is nice to hear, and it has meant a lot to me as well.
My first post here is from November 2002. I used hotmail instead of gmail
(the latter wasn't a thing yet).
At that time a lot of people were very active (someone unfortunately is not
anymore with us), even Don Rosa would answer to questions! This is the last
mailing list I was subscribed to, truly a relic of a bygone era!
Thank you for your work and a cheer to all the friends made.
Yours, truly
Tommaso Bonini
On Thu, Aug 1, 2024 at 8:37 AM Per Starbäck <699 at nafsk.se> wrote:
> Thanks for even more thanks and testimonies to what the list has meant.
> It is nice to hear, and it has meant a lot to me as well.
> The net was such a different place back then when only a few people had
> access to email. I remember that a long time ago (even before the DCML
> existed) I posted paper mail to Dana Gabbard (then editor of fanzine The
> Duckburg Times, now sadly deceased), and I included my email address on the
> off chance he could use that.
> My email adress back then was of an ancient format – a UUCP "bang path"
> not usable today –
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-Internet_email_address#Delivery_path .
> Anyway, he didn't know what that was for, so he faithfully included it on
> a line of the envelope of his (paper) answer to me, probably thinking that
> Swedish zip codes looked really strange! :-)
> Things have changed so much! More people getting access to email meant a
> lot for international Disney comics fandom, and that eventually a mailing
> list for that would be created was just a matter of time. I was glad to be
> there, and to do that earlier than it would have happened otherwise. I had
> thought about it for some time, but wasn't sure there would be enough
> members or traffic to make it worthwhile.
> One of the inspirations for thinking that it might work was the already
> existing "ranger-list" about The Disney Afternoon on television, which I
> joined even though I had limited exposure to most of the series discussed
> there. That list was managed by Stephanie da Silva who also managed a list
> of "Publicly Accessible Mailing Lists". It was nice to see our new list
> "disney-comics" appear on that list!
> https://groups.google.com/g/news.announce.newusers/c/HTygMSSoldI/m/Tkvrkv7RHJ8J
> .
> --------------------
> disney-comics
> Contact: disney-comics-request at studen.docs.uu.se (Per Starback)
> Purpose: Discussion of Disney comics.
> --------------------
> The listing unfortunately had a typo in the email address, but after that
> was fixed it surely led to many new subscribers finding the list. That
> should instead be "student" in the email address – I had access to that
> system as a computer science student. The system administrator there was
> very kind to set it up for me. Incidentally I happened to visit him
> yesterday so I mentioned this and thanked him (again).
> I'm rambling a bit here, and only about the very beginnings of the list.
> Don Rosa joining the list in April 1993 was of course a big thing and had a
> big impression on the list:
> https://nafsk.se/pipermail/dcml/1993-April/date.html
> And also having other professionals on the list, by joining or by becoming.
> Anyway, see (some of) you later, somewhere else!
> --
> Per Starbäck
> "Life is but a gamble! Let flipism chart your ramble!"
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