
Per Starback starback at Minsk.DoCS.UU.SE
Sun Oct 3 11:23:18 CET 1993

Thanks to David for all those German and Italian names.  I'm sure
Fredrik will incorporate them into the name list, but you should have
looked at it first, and not only at what we wrote here on the list in
prehistoric times, as some of those names were there already.

I find it interesting that Fethry was in a lot of Whitman comics of
the sixties.  Who did those?  They weren't the Fethrys by Al Hubbard
that were published over here, were they?

> The *official* name of Donald's St. Bernard for new stories,
> as Disney and Gladstone have agreed on and made law, is Bolivar.  In
> Europe, Egmont has it as Bornworthy.  I am writing a story about him
> now for Egmont and working on a foreign one for Gladstone, so I'm
> calling the dog by both names accidentally!

I wouldn't notice what he's called in the scripts as the Swedish
tranlator will call him Bolivar anyway.  After all that was his
original name.
--       "
Per Starback, Uppsala, Sweden.  email: starback at
 "Life is but a gamble!  Let flipism chart your ramble!"

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