Cons, scans and Ludvig

Katie Sullivan vazali at
Tue Oct 7 23:30:19 CEST 2003

Don Rosa wrote, re: me missing the con in St Paul:
>Golly, I'm sorry! I would have VERY MUCH liked to meet you. I 
>would have drawn you another pic of Goldie. Or given you one of
>the prints of the cover
>art from "Hearts of the Yukon" that I carry with me to shows. 

Aww, that's so nice of you!  (Of course now I feel even WORSE
about missing the con, but it's still very nice!)  ;-D
I'll keep my eyes peeled for the next convention within a
reasonable distance of my hometown.

>Is Toronto close enough to you?

Probably not. :( St Paul and Chicago are probably the only ones
I could make, since my parents and I could drive there. I'll
just have to be patient for the next one closeby, I guess.  As
you said, with Gemstone up and running, there might be more
opportunities than in the past few years.

>I was only contacted to appear at the St. Paul show less than a

>month ago,
>so perhaps I was not on their earliest flyers, but I saw the 
>last one they
>sent out and I was mentioned prominently. 

Ah, that makes sense (and makes me feel slightly better.)  The
only flyer I got in the mail arrived a couple of months ago.  I
guess I didn't get the more recent ones.  I need to get on some
mailing lists, I guess!  ;)

>And don't fuss at them for not
>granting me (as our friend might say) proper "respect" -- they 
>treated me
>VERY nicely! They kept referring to me as "legendary" (which 
>sort of worries
>me... that must mean my gray hair makes me look old!). 

Nah, you just stuck your finger in a lightbulb socket one time
in Montana...  ;D

Frank B. wrote:
> Let's face it: Scrooge uses the night for
> SLEEPING.  ;-)

*gasp*!  Really?  ;)
Even the world's richest duck has to sleep sometime, after all. 
How else would be store up the energy for all those fantastic

> From: "Mark A. Semich" <mas at>
> I also scanned in March's picture, which features two
> characters that I 
> think she'll appreciate :-)

:-D  Thanks!  I had seen that picture somewhere online, but the
coloring was all wrong.  (I mean, I understand how different
countries have different coloring procedures, like switching
Matilda and Hortense's hair colors from how they appear in
America, but honestly...Goldie HAS to have golden-blond hair,
not brown.  She's GOLDie, for heaven's sake!  LOL!)
Thanks for sharing that picture!!  :)  The coloring on the other
one is exceptionally well-done, too.

Adding to the list of stories where Scrooge appears in his
pajamas, Sigvald wrote:
> Oh yes:
> - The Beagle VS The Money Bin (2001)
> - Dream of a Lifetime (2002)

Oh yes, I nearly forgot The Beagles Vs. The Money Bin!  I only
have that one in Danish so I don't know much about the plot, and
I forgot to mention it.  I think earlier when I said something
about "Dream of a Lifetime" I *meant* TBVTMB instead.  (We don't
really see much of Scrooge's attire in "Dream" since he's
covered up by the blankets.)  Ah well, an easy mistake to make,
since both take place at the Money Bin, at night, with Beagles
all over the place.  ;)

All this talk about Ludvig Von Drake and his "death" as per
Egmont decree reminds me of a question I wanted to ask Don Rosa:

Although you had to remove him from the family tree, I read that
at least in your private notes you imagine him as being married
to Matilda McDuck; (otherwise he couldn't be Donald's uncle.) 
Yet from what I understand of "Letter From Home," she's been
living in Scotland for many years.  Did she and Ludvig get a
divorce?  ;)  Or are you just ignoring that unofficial
relationship for the sake of what I hear is an excellent story,
since you were never allowed to show it, anyway?  Just a random
bit of curiosity...  ;)

Katie Sullivan

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