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German Disney comics publications

This list of German Disney comics publications is made by Gilbert Roser and the information is compiled from his own collection and the Deutscher Comic Preiskatalog 1994.

It is not complete in titles and history information.

AOD		Aus Onkel Dagoberts Schatztruhe
			stories written by Adolf Kabatek
			published from August 1983 until
BGDD		Die besten Geschichten mit Donald Duck
			stories by Carl Barks
			still published since August 1984
BL		Barks Library
			bimonthly softcover-album-series
			Walt Disney Comics & Stories stories by Carl Barks
			still published since September 1992
BLSDD		Barks Library Special Donald Duck
			bimonthly softcover-album-series
			Donald Duck stories by Carl Barks
			still published since July 1994
BLSDÜ		Barks Library Special Daniel Düsentrieb
			bimonthly softcover-album-series
			Gyro Gearloose stories by Carl Barks
			published from March 1994 until January 1995
BLSOD		Barks Library Special Onkel Dagobert
			Uncle $crooge stories by Carl Barks
			still published since september 1993
BLSWG		Barks Library Special Weihnachtsgeschichten
			Giveaway-Christmas-stories by Carl Barks
			published in November 1993
DAA		Disney Autoalbum
			100th anniversary of the automobile series
			published from August 1985 until September 1986
DD		Donald Duck
			monthly pocketbook of 94 pages
			mainly italian stories
			still published since September 1974
DSS		Disney Sonntags-Seiten
			Donald Duck sunday pages by Bob Karp and Al Taliaferro
			still published since March 1994
DLB		Donalds Lieblingsbücher
			book containing story-reprints of LT
			published from May 1992 until 1994
DP		Disney Pocket
			dailies of one character every book
			published from October 1978 until 1983
DR		Disney: Don Rosa
			stories by Don Rosa
			the beginning six issues contain The Life of $crooge series
			still published since April 1994
DSA		Disney Sonderalbum
			mainly christmas-stories
			published from August 1984 until November 1988
FFM		Ein Fall für Micky
			monthly pocketbook of 94 pages
			mainly danish stories
			still published since January 5th, 1994
G		Goofy
			monthly comicbook
			until October 1981 titled Goofy Magazin
			published from June 1979 until December1988
GA		Goofy Album
			Goofy History stories
			mainly Disney Studios comics
			published from January 1977 until 1987
GF		Disney: Das grosse Filmbuch
			still published since October 1995
ID		Ich Donald Duck
			German version of an italian book
			stories by Carl Barks
IG		Ich Goofy
			German version of an italian book
			strips drawn by Floyd Gottfredson
IMM		Ich Micky Maus
			German version of an italian book
			strips drawn by Floyd Gottfredson
IOD		Ich Onkel Dagobert
			German version of an italian book
			stories by Carl Barks
KFC		Disneys Klassische Film-Comics
			comic-adaptations of Disney-films
			still published since November 1993
LT		Walt Disneys Lustiges Taschenbuch
			monthly pocketbook of 256 pages
			mainly italian stories
			still published since October 1967
M		Minnie
			monthly comicbook
			still published since 1991
MBWC		Micky's bunte Comicwelt
			published from February 1985 until September 1986
MM		Micky Maus
			weekly comicbook of 72 pages
			mainly danish stories
			in the beginning monthly comicbook with 42 pages
			since 1974 with extras (gimmicks or extra comicbooks)
			since 1994 with Spass TV (TV-Program)
			still published since November 1951
MMGH		Micky Maus Geburtstagsheft
			published in September 1978
MMMC		Micky Maus Mini Comic
			little comicbook
			was printed as part of MM in 1988 and 1989
MME60JDD	Micky Maus Extraheft 60 Jahre Donald Duck
			60th anniversary Donald Duck comicbook
			sold together with MM
MMOCH		Micky Maus Oster-Comic-Hits
			sold together with MM 17/1987
MMP		Micky Maus präsentiert
			comicbook with one-shot stories
			still published since December 1991
MMS		Micky Maus (Sonderheft)
			published from December 1951 until december 1955
MMWE		Micky Maus Winterexpress
			sold together with MM 50/1986
MM40J		Micky Maus Jubiläumsausgabe 40 Jahre
			published September 1991
MM50TTT		Micky Maus 50 Jahre Tick, Trick und Track
			part of MM 43/1987
MK		Mickys Klassiker
			Mickey Mouse daily strips from 1930 on by Disney, Iwerks and Gottfredson
			published from August 1985 until December 1989
MV		Mickyvision
			monthly comicbook
			published from 1967 until September 21st, 1993
OD		Onkel Dagobert
			monthly pocketbook of 94 pages
			mainly italian stories
			published from September 1987 until December 2nd, 1993
PK		Panzerknacker & Co
			monthly pocketbook of 94 pages
			mainly italian stories
			published from May 1986 until August 1987
SDG		Die schönsten Disney-Geschichten
			published from July 1978 until
TGDD		Die tollsten Geschichten von Donald Duck (Sonderheft)
			two-to-three-monthly comicbook of 64 pages
			many stories by Carl Barks
			from #105 on: 4 Donald Duck daily strips by Al Taliaferro every issue
			still published since May 1965
TT&T		Tick, Trick & Track
			monthly comicbook
			published from March 1980 until March 1981
WDG		Walt Disney-Grossband
			published in September 1974
WVH		Disney: William van Horn
			still published since November 1995
2.DD		Donald Duck 2.Auflage
			reprint of DD
			still published since June 1978
2.MV		Mickeyvision 2.Auflage
			reprint of MV
			published from July 1982 until December 1988
2.OD		Onkel Dagobert 2.Auflage
			reprint of OD
			still published since January 1991
2.TGDD		Die tollsten Geschichten von Donald Duck (Sonderheft) 2. Auflage
			reprint of TGDD
60JDD		60 Jahre Donald Duck
			60th anniversary softcover-album of Donald Duck
			stories by Carl Barks, Don Rosa, William Van Horn u.a.

Last updated February 22, 1999.

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