Re: Gröngölingarna...
Per Starbäck
per.starback at
Ons May 13 21:49:10 CEST 2009
> men, finns det någon serieruta (eller annan teckning) där man ser Barks version
> av märket??
Detta undersökte jag inför Gröngölingsankon 1993 och så här beskrev
jag mina fynd
på DCML nästa år:
# Last year when I made some very authentic JWW medals with my brother
# to distribute during a JWW summer camp I searched through my comics
# looking for close-ups of the emblem and other JWW trivia. There is a
# good one in WDC 132 (1:6, meaning page 1, panel 6), and one on a
# building in WDC 158 (7:2). It's also seen for instance in WDC 282 and
# both on a flag and a cap in "Christmas for Shacktown". The emblem is
# also shown on the front cover of The Junior Woodchucks' Guidebook in
# the picture of it by Barks where it is seen most clearly (I think),
# i.e., in "The Seven Cities of Cibola" (14:2). That front cover is
# also shown (with emblem) in "The Golden Fleecing", although not as
# clearly. (But it doesn't look the same for instance in US 5 (15:4)!)
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