Gladstone's album interior covers

Larry Gerstein gerstein at
Fri Aug 26 23:22:24 CEST 1994

        Dear Folks,

        This is the first of a whole lot of letters I have to write!  I
have been away for 3-1/2 weeks and I have a lot to tell you.  My first
comment regards some comments from Harry on Gladstone's Album #6 (with
giveaway stories reprinted).  "Gladstone added some "interior covers",
full-page drawings,
not by Barks, but by someone who should not be allowed to draw Ducks!
Terrible."  Well, they weren't so good, but those drawings were, in fact,
actually blow-ups of Barks drawings from the various stories!

        They may have looked bad, but the guy we should argue with is in
fact whoever it was who made the statement that Barks' work looked good
reproduced at any size.  (Several books have made this comment.)  Ah,

        Back soon, folks.

        David Gerstein
        <gerstein at>

gerstein at

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