Uncle Scrooge visits Germany

Harry Fluks H.W.Fluks at research.ptt.nl
Tue Feb 1 10:46:03 CET 1994

>From Dutch teletekst (I don't know the American name for this; the BBC calls
it Ceefax), 31 Jan 1994, page 120 (the "news with a smile" page):

Uncle Scrooge visits Germany

The German police is chasing a blackmailer for two years now, who calls himself
Scrooge [Dagobert]. Every time they almost catch him, something goes wrong.
For instance, an officer slipped over dog vomit when trying to get him.

But the police thinks they know his secret now: he imitates tricks of his
namesake of the Donald Duck comics.

Recently, Scrooge ordered the police to ride to him 1.5 million Marks on a
little wagon on rails. His comic-double once used a miniature train to 
transport golden coins secretly. But there is ONE difference with the
comic character: "Scrooge" got only fake money, so far.

[The miniature train event must be a misquote from "Christmas for Shacktown"]


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