Don't mention the artist...

Harry Fluks H.W.Fluks at
Mon Jan 3 10:17:22 CET 1994

Per Starback:

> Here is an interesting (although somewhat old)
> letter that I somehow have gotten a copy of:
> 		       Walt Disney Productions
> 			      P-450 R-1
> To ____ALL MARKETING MANAGERS____	Date _____May 13, 1986______
> >From __WAYNE MORRIS______________	Subject __Carl Barks________
> (...)

This perfectly explains what happened in Holland: they started to publish 
a b/w album series under the name "All stories by Carl Barks". After the
3rd issue (1987), the series was renamed to "All classic stories". The
Dutch must have gotten this letter too.


Harry         PTT Research       ()_()     Dutch Disney comics freak
Fluks         Leidschendam        (_)      H.W.Fluks at

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