Who's HDL's father?

Daniel van Eijmeren daniel at maisie.ow.nl
Sun Jun 11 03:03:40 CEST 1995


> You say that you DON'T believe my story to be true. How could you
> know? As far as I know I am the only one who have brought some of
> the facts about HDL's father into the daylight. But I'll continue
> my research, although. Yes, HDL blew up their father's chair with
> a giant firework. And if the father wasn't killed by the incident
> he would at least be on a hospital for a *VERY* long time. And
> since Ludwig von Drake haven't appeared in a cartoon NOR a comic
> since sometime in the sixties (and maybe seventies) I think that
> is ANOTHER evidence of Ludwig being HDL's father. What do you
> think about that?

I still can't believe that Ludwig is HDL's father, I also think I 
don't *want* to believe that he's their father. Even if every fact of 
Ludwig and HDL could say that he is they're father, I still don't 
believe. This is for the reason that he's never *intended* to be their 
father by any Disney-artist...

--- Daniel 

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