Old Castle's Secret & Pygmy Indians

Cdoberman@aol.com Cdoberman at aol.com
Sun Oct 15 04:33:27 CET 1995

This has been a good week. In addition to reading "Lost in The Andes" for the
first time, I just finished reading "Land of the Pygmy Indians" and "The Old
Castles Secret."

I enjoyed TOCS, although it was REALLY hard to accept an invisibility spray.
 But I loved the fact that Diamond Dick stole the "Chemical Spray . . . from
a foreign spy during the war."  Given the fact that the story was written in
1948, I found this reference (full of nationalistic suspicion) very
interesting.  Is there any way, Don, to work in a reference to that incident
in a future story?

LotPI was extremely charming, and I guess I was lucky to find it because it
sure as heck ain't gonna be reprinted any time soon.  Not here in the USofA
anyway -- it is loaded with stereotypes.  But I loved the rythmic speaking of
the indians and enjoyed the theme a lot.  (I think the theme is, no matter
where we go to "get away from it all," we bring "it all" with us," and that
theme is illustrated by the Paleducks invasion of the Indians' land.) 

The most startling line in the story -- and one that Disney will never
reprint, I'm sure -- is Scrooge's line:  "Quiet!  Those Redskins' ears may be
as big as their noses!"

-- Wes

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