Disney-comics digest #772.
Larry Gerstein
gerstein at math.ucsb.edu
Wed Sep 6 23:58:52 CEST 1995
[Send unsubscription requests to <disney-comics-request at minsk.docs.uu.se>.]
Contents of digest #772:
Daniel van Eijmeren Mickey comics
richard cielesz Re:
Wes Andersen Re: Gazettes & Monarchs
innkurv at powertech.no [No subject given]
Jacob Sparre Andersen Re: Mickey comics
Arthur_de_Wolf Mickey vs. Donald
Arthur_de_Wolf Ftp
Paulo Barreto @12:1221/30
Gregory Charles Rivers Re: Mickey vs. Donald
innkurv at powertech.no unsubscribe
Arthur_de_Wolf Portugal
Date: Fri, 1 Sep 1995 00:58:15
From: Daniel van Eijmeren <daniel at maisie.ow.nl>
To: inet64 at mosquito.frcc.cccoes.edu
Cc: disney-comics at minsk.docs.uu.se
Subject: Mickey comics
> I am a big comic book fan. Do you have any comics with Mickey or Minnie.
I might be slightly wrong, but as far as I know there are no specific
Mickey comics in the USA. (I'm from Holland.) There was a comic called
"Mickey and Donald", but that one doesn't exist anymore (?).
So, for Mickey stories, you'll have to read Disney-comics which have
some Mickey stories included.
Here in Holland, the Mickey Monthly was cancelled due to lack of
interest. The publisher tried several times to get the comic popular
by changing it's format and contents, but it didn't help. It was a
very good monthly in the mid-80s IHMO.
--- Daniel
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 95 20:16 EDT
From: rcielesz at kiwi.futuris.net (richard cielesz)
Subject: Re:
>can anyone please tell me the commands to unsubscribe to this list?
>chris cielesz
>rcielesz at pharma.com
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 1995 23:55:30 -0230
From: DEYON GOSSE <dgosse at ultratel.com>
To: Disney-Comics at minsk.docs.uu.se
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 1995 23:47:43 -0400
From: Cdoberman at aol.com
Subject: Re: Gazettes & Monarchs
Neal: "enlighten me as to why Gladstone subscribers seem to enjoy
such a low priority?
"On a related matter, I just received Donald Duck Adventures #34 a couple of
days ago. .. Much to my surprise, also in the package was a four-page,
nice-quality, black &
white newsletter from Gladstone which I had not seen discussed on this list"
I am a former Gladstone subscriber, also in the Bay Area, and even though I
would love to receive Gladstone's newsletter, I refuse to wait for their
comics to arrive. Almost always they would be on the shelves for over a
month before mine arrived. This is terrible service, IMHO.
But I would love to see summaries of that newsletter printed on this list.
Not extensive quotes, but just some of the relevant info.
DAVID (quoting me): WES:
"I did try to read the whole thing, but I fell asleep..."
In the same letter, you say that the story ("Monarch of Medioka")
was GOOD! Was one of these comments sarcastic?"
I know, I know, it sounds inconsistent. I loved the story, but, I did fall
asleep. I think I fell asleep because I was sleepy -- not because the story
bored me. Because I'd already read it over the course of the past year, I
was not on the edge of my seat, so, yes, I like the story, and yes, I fell
asleep. Life is full of inconsistencies. Go figger.
"But, Mickey! It's SUICIDE! We'll be KILLED! How'll we ever land without
wheels?" -- Captain Doberman
Date: Fri, 1 Sep 1995 08:07:42 +0200
From: innkurv at powertech.no
To: Disney-Comics at minsk.docs.uu.se
Bokjegerne as, Schwensensgate 5,0170 Oslo
e-post: innkurv at bokjegerne.no
tlf. 2269 5344 fax 2269 4490
Hvis boeker og skrifter det hender
du trenger fra fremmede strender
en bok eller fler
intet gleder oss mer
og til hele Norden vi sender
...spesialister paa engelskspraaklige, tyske og franske boeker.
Book Hunters, Inc., Schwensensgate 5, N-0170 Oslo (Norway)
e-mail:innkurv at bokjegerne.no
tel. +47 2269 5344 fax +47 2269 4490
Date: Fri, 1 Sep 1995 09:13:50 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Jacob Sparre Andersen <sparre at cats.nbi.dk>
To: daniel at maisie.ow.nl (Daniel van Eijmeren)
Cc: disney-comics at minsk.docs.uu.se (Disney comics mailing list)
Subject: Re: Mickey comics
> I might be slightly wrong, but as far as I know there are no specific
> Mickey comics in the USA. (I'm from Holland.) There was a comic called
> "Mickey and Donald", but that one doesn't exist anymore (?).
I have a single issue of a "Mickey Mouse Mysteries" from 1990. So there
have been something not too long ago. - I didn't like the stories in that
comic btw.
There's a "Mickey Mysterier" monthly in Danish, that has some nice (imho)
stories. The format is 96 (or rather 94) pages pocket book.
PS: No, nothing in Faroese.
A Faroese student, far far away from home
URL's: "mailto:sparre at cats.nbi.dk", "http://fys.ku.dk/~sparre".
"We need a plan to diverge from", Fesser
Date: Fri, 1 Sep 95 10:32:19 PDT
From: Arthur_de_Wolf <wolfman at pi.net>
To: Disney-Comics at Minsk.Docs.UU.SE
Subject: Mickey vs. Donald
>> I am a big comic book fan. Do you have any comics with Mickey or Minnie.
> There was a comic called "Mickey and Donald" in the USA, but that one
> doesn't exist anymore.
Hasn't that title been changed into "Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse"?
Isn't it interesting to see that -Mickey- titled comics, have just
disappaired in the States and in Holland? The Dutch "Mickey Maandblad"
was a nice comic from 1976. But in 1989 it suddenly stopped. And
Gladstone's "Mickey Mouse" was also quite a long-running title.
I believe that #256 was the last one in 1990, and then ... after a
couple of years, when Gladstone took everything over from Disney Comics,
"Mickey Mouse" didn't exist anymore.
What's the reason for this? Have Donald Duck and Uncle Scrooge become
more popular than Mickey Mouse and Goofy? It must be! Look at the
popularity of Don Rosa and Carl Barks. Or is it, that there just
aren't enough Mickey-stories created? Maybe it's because Paul Murry
passed away on August 4th 1989. He made a lot of stories with Mickey
in it. But in France and Italy, they still make Mickey Mouse stories.
And the S-xxxxx stories are often about Mickey too.
When Disney Comics produced the Disney comics, they had a title
called "Mickey Mouse Adventures". Mickey also appaired in "Goofy
Adventures". I liked the stories in those comics! There were a lot
of *new* stories created back then. People wrote to "Goofy Adventures"
that Goofy had to appair as James Bond, and they made a story
in which Goofy was James Bond! Nowadays, the stories in "Donald and
Mickey", or "Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse", only contain reprints
of Mickey-stories. Mostly Paul Murry and Daily-stories. And, as
you (who?) said, Mickey does not have his own comic-title anymore.
He has to share it with Donald.
The USA and Holland don't have Mickey comics. (Although the Italian
Mickey-stories still appair in the Dutch "Donald Duck Pockets")
But what about other countries? I know of the following countries,
that still have Mickey-titled-comics: China, Columbia, Egypt, France,
Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia and
Spain. There must be more, but these are just a few examples of
countries that _do_ have Mickey-titled comics. In countries like
France, "Le Journal de Mickey", is the most important weekly comic.
They also have "Mickey Jeux", "Mickey Parade" and other Mickey-based
comics. I think Mickey is more popular than Donald in France!
Date: Fri, 1 Sep 95 14:38:07 PDT
From: Arthur_de_Wolf <wolfman at pi.net>
To: Disney-Comics at Minsk.Docs.UU.SE
Subject: Ftp
> You can add: Denmark - "Mickey Mysterier", monthly, Danish
> Faroe Islands - "Mickey Mysterier", monthly, Danish
Thank you!
> Are you going to make the list availiable on the ftp/http service?
Harry told me that it would be nice to send my list (which is quite
long right now, and already contains about 65 countries), to Per,
so that he can make it available on the ftp. I will do that,
as soon as I'm ready. Ofcourse, I'm still busy expanding the list.
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 95 23:58:25 -0300 GMT
From: Paulo_Barreto at digi.AX.APC.ORG (Paulo Barreto)
Subject: @12:1221/30
}But on the cover, are the prices for the following countries:
}As you said, it's practically all of South America. But Brazil isn't
}on the list.
Of course it couldn't be. That edition wouldn't sell in Brazil
mostly because Spanish is *not* spoken in Brazil. Besides, there's a
lot of local Portuguese-language titles available.
A}I didn't know that. That's interesting! After I read this, I took
}a closer look at my Portugese Disney comics. I found two adresses. One
}in Lisboa (Portugal) and one in Porto. I looked up Porto in my
}interactive Global Explorer on CDROM, and I saw that Porto
}is a small town in Brazil. So that's it!
I don't know Disney editions from Portugal, but I suppose they
exist (Editora Abril has dropped the price in escudos from Brazilian
covers). The CD-ROM is completely wrong. What town were they
referring? Porto (or Oporto in English), a major city in Portugal? Or
Porto Alegre, capital of Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil? I'd make a
nice frisbee from that CD. :-)
_____m__(0/\0)__m_____ P.C.Barreto
mad at digi.ax.apc.org
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Date: Fri, 1 Sep 1995 22:00:03 +0800
From: gregoryr at HK.Super.NET (Gregory Charles Rivers)
To: Arthur_de_Wolf <wolfman at pi.net>, Disney-Comics at Minsk.Docs.UU.SE
Subject: Re: Mickey vs. Donald
At 10:32 AM 01/09/95, Arthur_de_Wolf wrote:
>People wrote to "Goofy Adventures"
>that Goofy had to appair as James Bond, and they made a story
>in which Goofy was James Bond!
Personally, I found the newer Goofy stories with Goofy being portraid as a
famous person very very boring, so much so that I often had to force myself
not to skip them. I loved the older Goofy stories, the ones I read as a
young boy back in the 70's, especially the Super Goof stories. When I read
Gladstone's Goofy stories, I kept thinking there must have been more of
them. Has Gladstone published all of the old Goofy stories? Aren't there
any writers left with the imagination and artistry of the 70's for Goofy?
Gregory Charles Rivers
G&B Computers Limited, Hong Kong
email <gregoryr at hk.super.net>
Ph: (852) 26658199 * Fax: (852) 26614679
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Date: Fri, 1 Sep 1995 17:04:34 +0200
From: innkurv at powertech.no
Subject: unsubscribe
Bokjegerne as, Schwensensgate 5,0170 Oslo
e-post: innkurv at bokjegerne.no
tlf. 2269 5344 fax 2269 4490
Hvis boeker og skrifter det hender
du trenger fra fremmede strender
en bok eller fler
intet gleder oss mer
og til hele Norden vi sender
...spesialister paa engelskspraaklige, tyske og franske boeker.
Book Hunters, Inc., Schwensensgate 5, N-0170 Oslo (Norway)
e-mail:innkurv at bokjegerne.no
tel. +47 2269 5344 fax +47 2269 4490
Date: Fri, 1 Sep 95 22:42:44 PDT
From: Arthur_de_Wolf <wolfman at pi.net>
To: Disney-Comics at Minsk.Docs.UU.SE
Subject: Portugal
> Of course it couldn't be. That edition wouldn't sell in Brazil
> mostly because Spanish is *not* spoken in Brazil. Besides, there's a
> lot of local Portuguese-language titles available.
Yes, I know that right now! But the letter you were refering to, was
from over one week ago. I didn't know that back then. I think I've
figured everything out now, about the Columbian, Portuguese and Brazilian
Disney comics! In my letter from Tuesday on August 29th, I wrote
"Okay! So let me try to put it all together now [...]".
> I don't know Disney editions from Portugal, but I suppose they
> exist (Editora Abril has dropped the price in escudos from Brazilian
> covers).
In my letter from August 29th, I've said, that before 1980(?),
Portuguese people got ALL their Disney comics from Brazil. But after
that they had their own 'Pato Donald', published by Editora Morumbi.
They also have other Brazilian Disney comics in Portugal.
> The CD-ROM is completely wrong.
I think I was a little too fast, to write this down in my letter.
I only found a small town called Porto in Brazil. But I hadn't found
one in Portugal. You told me to use the CD as a frisbee. I've tried it.
My dog jumped in the air, caught it, and broke all his teeth. ;-)
(End of digest.)
gerstein at math.ucsb.edu
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