Lo$ 11

Daniel van Eijmeren daniel at maisie.ow.nl
Thu Sep 7 00:30:25 CEST 1995


About the different versions:

D: WHY would the Dutch use the wrong version of the story?! The 
D: only reason could be that they used the version that was 
D: already colored by Egmont.

H: Yes, that must be the reason. They don't do ANY colouring of 
H: interior pages of the "DD Extra" comic. I told the Dutch editor a 
H: while ago that there were TWO versions of every long Rosa story.

Well, it doesn't bother me that the "wrong" version is published here. 
This way I get both versions of the stories, because I also collect 
the Rosa-Gladstones.

LoS 11 itself:

I really liked the story. But I'm really wondering how this story 
could get past Disney's censor-staff, will this story really appear 
un-butchered in the USA?

Again it's amazing to see how you (Don) connected all those little 
facts into a story that remains enjoyable to read. 

The end of the story raised a question to me. Maybe I'm asking 
for a spoiler, but was this the last time that Scrooge saw his 
family? If so, do you intend them all to be death in the 1954-period?

Harry, could it be that Don drew mills from lots of centuries ago?


--- Daniel

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