SV: Gottfredsons complete MM dailys, again bror.hellman at
Thu Dec 16 12:13:23 CET 1999

> The Nichols edition should be printed as 200 hard
> bound sets. This much I get!

Yes, it was Nichols version I saw. 200 numbered and harbound copies.

> About the contents: Is it strictly just the dailys or are 
> there other stuff in there as well like articles, interviews,
> additional art or  pictures? I

Strictly dailies. Nothing much else what I could see.

> understand that the prints are done from newspaper prints, 
> not original stats?


> Are these editions really boot-leg or did they have Disney's
> blessing when they were done? 

They had Disney's blessing when they were done. The CB portfolio 
were discontinued when Another Rainbow aquired the rights and did CBL.

Also, the MM portfolio also had to be discontinued.
I know Horst Schröder had to stop selling most of his copies.

I presume the unsold copies are still somewhere in the Basement of 
Epix Verlag in Stockholm, but noone really knows but Horst.
Epix can not sell these copies. That much I know.

> It sounds a bit strange that collectors would
> not make an effort to achieve the best quality when doing 
> such a massive and expensive collection.

Actually, they *did*.  Most of these early dailys are rare or
disappeared almost completely.

Horst Schröder found a swiss collector who had found all these 
strips in some, I think it was an Italian, archive. He bought
the strips from this collector and lent them to Nichols.. at 
least, so I am told. I wasn't present at the time. 

All strip-collections I have seen originates from that Swiss batch.

The originals are either buried in som U.S. archive or, more propably,
burned...  Most strips, and many other comic-originals were burned a year
or two from the publishing date.  Lack of storage-space I think.

I just wish I could get my hands on a portfolio for myself someday... ;-)

	Steamboat Willie

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