468, Kristian, Daniel, Harry

Anders Christian Siveb¾k anders_sivebaek at nns.dk
Fri Apr 6 16:41:28 CEST 2001

>-- I agree with Harry here. Surely, if the inhabitants of Duckburg are not
>really ducks but people who just happen to be 'drawn that way' (so as to
>resemble ducks), why can't the coins be real coins that just happen to be
>'coloured that way' (so as to be gold)? Just another quirk in the
>wonderfully eccentric world of Duckburg.
Hmm... I accept that, but I still have my own opinion to the matter. 
As I see the ducks in the duck comics as humans, we can't the money be
As we know in Denmark where Duckburg is situated, we could also say what
money they use. 
They said the quarter was a five-piece, which is a danish
metal/silver-colored coin with a hole. At least they didn't make the coin
into that in the story, as they did once before with the lucky dime. And
they did absolutely insanely too, making it a coin from the 1990'es, like
our 1, 2 and 5-pieces. the 25-piece that the dansih dime is supposed to
be, did not  have a hole at that time, if it was even made, cause our
currency was worth something back then. The smallest coin today is a
25-piece, back then it was a 1-piece. I hope I'm not rambling too much, I
just want to tell a little bit of facts.

>Of course, Barks had them golden in all his oil paintings. I wonder if
>were always like that in his mind, or if he developed that notion after
>seeing the coloured versions of his own comics...? 
That's actually a point there. But my opinion is that, yes, barks may have
seen the colors to be gold, maybe as he saw they were so in the european
comics. But barks wrote stories himself where we see Scrooge telling
stories of dimes and quarters, which are not gold-colored, that he earned
in certain years. So when Barks painted gold coins it is because of the
fascination of Gold, that I have myself too, I just never held a goose egg
nugget in my hands. 

>From: "Olivier" <mouse-ducks at wanadoo.fr>
>In "The Expert", for instance, you can see silver coins.
>But indeed, most of  the coins *are* golden.
>It just looks nicer: stacks of  grey & brown coins darken the page
>and are much less appealing.
You might be right, that they may be less appealing, but I find them more
true to the fatcs. 
The coloring of chapter Lo$ 12 was much more logiv´cal in my opnion with
the silver and cubber-colored coins than he gold coins in the book version
of the danish story.
>I guess the coins should be colored in yellow, grey, brown, and
>whatever color may fit which would stand for exotic currencies.
If we expect Scrooge to have all such kinds of coins, then you're
absolutely right!

>From: "Daniel van Eijmeren" <dve at kabelfoon.nl>
>In The Netherlands, Barks' covers are also redrawn when used for the
>weekly. I think this started somewhere in the late 1980s.
This on one hand makes me reliefed, telling that it's not only the
"apprentice" Rosa, but also the great old master, barks, who is put to
this, IMO, unfair treatment - As if there isn't so many Barks-covers which
would be fitting for any kind of Barks-album in Holland. 
>About ten years ago, when I was at a Dutch convention, I heard from the
>Dutch editors that Barks' illustrated story "Go Slowly, Sands of Time"
>would not be published in the weekly, because they dislike the art of 
>the aging Scrooge.
I see. Interesting. 

Duco, what I meant to say, some weeks ago by now, or maybe it just feels
so to me, because I've been veryyy busy, was that I find any cover Rosa
has done, much better than those covers that the dutch redrawers are doing
of Rosa-covers. 
Harry, I'm not saying I put every Rosa-cover or comic on a pedestal, but I
just like most of them, and hate only the fact that not every single
Rosa-story has been published here yet (But they're getting to it, I

>Offending? Afwul? Terrible? 8-)
>Yes, I was talking in extremities, to get a clear reaction. Anders talked
>about "my kind of fan", and made clear that I am *not* "his kind of fan".
I might have been to mad (?) at the moment. 
>I have the impression that some people find everything that Rosa (or
>X) does is wonderful. I was wondering if that's what Anders meant with "my
>kind of fan". If not, then I'm still not sure what he means.

The day I wrote it, it in one minute was my impression that you weren't
the kind of fan, who likes some of the things your idol (?) has done.
Thinking it over I know that you must like many of Don's stories, and that
you are both a friend and fan of him, as far as I can understand. 

Let me say that Don's stories are just the ones that I haven't so much to
put against. I like most of them. If I don't like some of them, it can
mostly be because of the way they were published by our publisher, and
then are luckilky other versions of the story, but I still didn't see a
propper version of the Kalevala. 
How's the french one speaking of that?? Is the snow of sampo the eye of
Iku Turso again?

One artist of whom I am a fan, is Marco Rota, and I am also able to see
the bad things about one of his latest stories about a Captain Morgan. The
story must have made in a rush, cause the lines in it are not very Rotaic.
He usually has the greatest style, but not so much in that exact comic. 

BTW The Coin was printed in odd quality, you couldn't see the pizels, but
still the lines weren't as clear as in the normal Rosa-stories. This can
be because of computer-transfer or something. 


Anders Christian Sivebæk

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