Scrooge and Paperinika
Armando Botto
armando.botto at
Fri Nov 16 21:00:42 CET 2001
Dim wrote:
> Armando said recently that Scrooge was hateful in those old stories when
he used to swindle every other character.Realy hasn't anybody else enjoyed
it when Donald was signing contracts in which the small printed letters
actualy contained Scrooge's real terms?
I enjoyed it in many stories, as long as it remained a side-gag, adding
something to the story plot and to Scrooge's personality. I didn't like it
any longer when Scrooge became a plain villain.
> Scrooge was quite an inteligent guy even if he had low morality.Have you
ever heard about angelic businessmen?
Sure! Our Italian Prime Minister happens to be one - at least, that's what
he says ;-)
(sorry for the off-topic, but I couldn't resist...)
> As for Armando's opinion for Paperinika,he probably was a nine-yeasr old
than didn't like to see his heroe humiliation by a girl.
That's very likely. Paperinik had been Donald's (almost) only opportunity to
take his revenge against the Scrooge I've described above; seeing him
ridiculized by Paperinika was probably too much for a 9-year-old kid to bear
> Personaly I liked this version of Daisy.Instead of a
fashioned-crazed,overly-sweet Duck I'd like to see more of her as a
character that is going to fight in order to prove her point.And humiliating
a more experienced vigilante prooves her worth.I'd call it the begining of a
complicated relationship.And Paperinik's humilation is a result of his ego
more than his being incapable.(I use the second Paperinika story for
I'll have to re-read Paperinika's other stories before answering here...
> And Armando then proceeded to compare Paperinik and Paperinika to Super
Goof.I don't think you can compair them.
Neither do I. And, in fact, I didn't. I simply said that the device of
cloning a character was weak and unoriginal, and the fact that it was used
in a number of (rather silly) Super Goof stories goes to prove it...
> One of the many reasons I like the Ducks more than the rest of Disney
characters is that they are shady,complicated characters with constantly
developing talents and flaws.I wouldn't like to see a Scrooge with no
greed,a Donald/Paperinik who is invincible and a Daisy/Paperinika who takes
insults well.Would Armando or anybody else want that?
Well, I could argue that Paperinik *is* Donald, so Paperinik's invincibility
balances Donald's shortcomings.
But, in general, I agree with you: I, too, like "complicated characters with
constantly developing talents and flaws". Barks', Scarpa's, Rosa's Scrooge
is such a character. Also the Mickey Mouse by Gottfredson (and Osborne, De
Maris, and Walsh) is. Martina's Scrooge, especially from the 70es, is *not*.
You "wouldn't like to see a Scrooge with no greed", I don't like to see a
Scrooge who is nothing but greed...
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