(FW: barks page)

Daniel van Eijmeren dve at
Sat May 25 16:03:14 CEST 2002

I'm forwarding this email in a hurry. I've snipped the sender's 
email address. Apart from this, I don't know anything more about 
the sender and the contents of his email.

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Van: Vince
Onderwerp: barks page
Datum: zaterdag 25 mei 2002 8:08

Sorry to see that you haven't had time to work on the barks page 
lately.   Good luck on getting back to it.

I'm actually writing today because I, too, have had no opportunity to 
work on my own long planned Barks page, and have thus decided to give up 
the domain name for that I reserved in anticipation of 
tjhe propsed site.

   If you're interested, or no someone who might be able to make a go of 
it using that domain, please point them to the ebay auction at:

Thanks for your interest.

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