Greek Names

Kriton Kyrimis kyrimis at
Mon May 27 08:07:49 CEST 2002

> 3)Sir Stuft McDuck is called "Ser Plithon Mak Ntak"."Plithon" is an
> antiquated greek word for Stuft while the one used since Renaisance is
> "Gemistos".The translators might had in mind Georgios
> Gemistos/Plithon(c1360-1452) a great Roman-Byzantine pagan philosopher.

Um, his name was Georgios Gemistos. Plethon (which is a more accurate
transcription) is was what he called himself, meaning "a man with many
talents", or "someone who knows about everything", modesty apparently not
being among his many talents. He was a secular--Platonic--philosopher.
not a pagan. (He had been a member of the delegation sent to the
Ferrara-Florence council, after all!)
	Kriton	(e-mail: kyrimis at
"When you save the planet from destruction, nobody queues up to hand
 out medals."

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