help: where is Donald's car?

Dooma adham_abozaeid at
Sat Sep 18 03:43:08 CEST 2004

First time to hear about a real donald car!!!

Can anyone send me its picture, please??

<<<-----Original Message-----
<<<From: dcml-bounces at
[mailto:dcml-bounces at] On
<<<Behalf Of Lunnan & Hjort
<<<Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2004 1:06 AM
<<<To: DCML
<<<Cc: nils at
<<<Subject: help: where is Donald's car?
<<<This is not a quiz, and does not relate to Barks
<<<or Rosa or Strobl stories -- but we're looking
<<<for the Norwegian-made #313, the real McCoy
<<<"human-sized" Donald's car! It was last seen (in public)
<<<a couple of years ago at an exhbition in Oslo, I think.
<<<And now we'd like to find / borrow / rent it again!
<<<Help us, quickly!
<<<"We" are the ad hoc Propaganda Proliferation
<<<Probarxian Programme Committee that organises
<<<the Grandiose Bark Exhibition & Barks Events
<<<at the "Serieteket" public library, with official opening
<<<next Wednesday at 15:00 -- see this week's Donald
<<<Duck & Co., 175,000 copies spread over Norway,
<<<which gives a couple of facts for these events
<<<(and see my posting to the DCML of September 1).
<<<Kanskje kommer Kongen? And perhaps the
<<<Brutopian ambassadeur?
<<<The Opening will have press & media and some
<<<official representatives from Egmont and the Public
<<<Library and (we believe) the Finnish owner of most
<<<of the exhibits and the Finnish curator and a professor
<<<of history giving an overview of Barks' life and a couple
<<<of musicians and the publisher-author-rikssynser
<<<Anders Heger to give a weighty introductory speech.
<<<But we would like to locate & borrow / steal / rent
<<<Donald's #313. Does anyone know where it is?
<<<Please mail me.
<<<Nils Lid Hjort
<<<... who will also give further information a little later,
<<<about the programme for the Barks Wednesdays
<<<at Serieteket, every Wednesday 18:00 -- 20:00
<<<(yes, it says "17 - 19" in Donald Duck & Co., but
<<<the time window has been moved).

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