January 2004 Archives by thread
Starting: Thu Jan 1 12:49:40 CEST 2004
Ending: Sat Jan 31 22:29:24 CEST 2004
Messages: 338
- New Year's wishes
- 2004
- Happy new Year + question for Rosa
Anders Christian Sivebæk
- DDA Frequency Question
ZeldasTriforce at aol.com
- Gemstone subscription
Tristan B Breijer
- The New Year
Gary Leach
- Happy 2004
H.W.Fluks at telecom.tno.nl
- Barks quiz - Twelve quotes of Christmas
H.W.Fluks at telecom.tno.nl
- Happy Holidays
H.W.Fluks at telecom.tno.nl
- Question About Italian Disney Creators Strike
ZeldasTriforce at aol.com
- DCML Digest Issue 2
Don Rosa
- Disney Italy & Creators' Rights
Gianfranco Goria su fumetti.org
- Gemstone carryover from Gladstone
Rob Klein
- Don + Meeting
Anders Christian Sivebæk
- Question about a Barks's story: W US 19-04 Gyros Builds a Better House
Frank Bubacz
- Gemstone subscription
Carey Furlong
- Link to Lustig stories
JALustig at aol.com
- To Mickey Mouse fans in Denmark (and especially in Jylland)
Niels Houlberg Hansen
- Original Disney comic (strip) art
Frank Petzold
- When did Barks retire?
Olaf Solstrand
- When did Barks retire?
H.W.Fluks at telecom.tno.nl
- Re: Daniël's Christmas quotes / Money bin stories & variations
- Nemo plagiarised?
Alan Boe
- One quote left (Barks quiz - Twelve quotes of Christmas)
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Original Disney comic (strip) art
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Nemo plagiarized?
Matthew Williams
- Last Barks Christmas quote
Daniel J. Neyer
- Barks quote quiz - building cities
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Original Disney comic (strip) art
Gunnarsson, Joakim SE - HMJ
- Original Disney comic (strip) art
timo ronkainen
- Quotes
Claudio Eckert
- humans in disney comics
Erik Bergwall
- Quotes
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Comic shops!
Kjell Croné
- "I feel like building cities"
Daniel J. Neyer
- Disney 'remakes'
Eero-Pekka Halinen
- Another Quiz Question
Carey Furlong
- Original Disney comic (strip) art
Germund Silvegren
- Cover of WDC&S 639
Cord Wiljes
- New Quote
Daniel J. Neyer
- Original Disney comic (strip) art
H.W.Fluks at telecom.tno.nl
- Flipism
H.W.Fluks at telecom.tno.nl
- TRON comic in Feb
Shad Z.
- Disney Adventures Volume 13, number 7 (September 2003)
Shad Z.
- Disney Adventures Volume 13, number 7 (September 2003)
H.W.Fluks at telecom.tno.nl
- Disney Adventures Volume 13, number 7 (September 2003)
SRoweCanoe at aol.com
- Uncle Scrooge at Webfoot Tech
Matthew Williams
- Van Horn covers
Lauri Jaakkola
- No subject
Rob Klein
- Disney Adventures Volume 13, number 7 (September 2003)
Shad Z.
- Mickey Mouse Leaves Disney
Cord Wiljes
- Disney Adventures Volume 13, number 8 (October 2003)
Shad Z.
- Disney Adventures Volume 13, number 9 (November 2003)
Shad Z.
- No subject
Rob Klein
- Disney Adventures: The Lion King Collector's Issue (Fall 2003)
Shad Z.
- Disney Adventures Volume 13, number 10 (December/January 2003/2004)
Shad Z.
- Disney Adventures Comic Zone (Winter 2004)
Shad Z.
- Disney Adventures Volume 13, number 9 (November 2003)
Shad Z.
- DCML Digest Issue 10
Don Rosa
- DCML Digest Issue 10
Matthew Williams
- TRON comic in Feb
YMH at aol.com
- Uncle Scrooge at Webfoot Tech
Rob Klein
- Disney Set to Close Animation Studio
Kai Saarto
- Help: I'm looking for...
Gianfranco Goria su fumetti.org
- TRON comic in Feb
Shad Z.
- Disney Set to Close Animation Studio
Eric Chun
- TRON comic in Feb (Tokyopop)
Matthew Williams
- Disney Italy & Creators' Rights
Gunnarsson, Joakim SE - HMJ
- Disney Italy & Creators' Rights
Botto Armando
- Disney Italy & Creators' Rights
sgarciab at soluziona.com
- Disney Italy & Creators' Rights
Botto Armando
- Help: I'm looking for... (semi OT)
Mike Rhode
- Disney Italy & Creators' Rights
Botto Armando
- School/Diligence/Animation
L. Schulte
- Mickey Mouse Leaves Disney + flipism
Arie Fachrisal
- Contradiction in terms in Lo$?
Torsten Bruhn
- Contradiction in terms in Lo$?
Maximilian Baumgart
- Any new Gemstone comics for 2004
Anthvvuono at aol.com
- School/Diligence/Animation
Matthew Williams
- Gemstone Editorial Blunder in U$ 325
Sverre Amundsen
- Disney Italy & Creators' Rights
sgarciab at soluziona.com
- Disney Italy & Creators' Rights
sgarciab at soluziona.com
- DCML Digest, Vol 11, Issue 14
Mads Jensen
- U$ 325 editorial blunder
rodney-selfhelpbikeco at juno.com
- DCML Digest Issue 14
Don Rosa
- Gemstone plans
Botto Armando
- Forbes Fictional 15
L. Schulte
- Disney's Kim Possible: Volume 1
Shad Z.
- Thank You Mike Rhode!
Gianfranco Goria
- Forbes Fictional 15
timo ronkainen
- DCML Digest Issue 14
H.W.Fluks at telecom.tno.nl
- Thank You Mike Rhode!
Gianfranco Goria
- Forbes Fictional 15
Rich Bellacera
- Gemstone Blunder
UNDBKB at aol.com
- Rockerduck
H.W.Fluks at telecom.tno.nl
- DCML Digest, Vol 11, Issue 16
Gary Leach
- Chapter 8B of LofS
Anthvvuono at aol.com
- Tycoons and laws
Eta Beta
- Rockerduck
Ola Martinsson
- DCML Digest Issue 17
Don Rosa
- July Fourth in Duckburg (1976)
- Geography, etc.
Katie Sullivan
- July Fourth in Duckburg (1976)
- July Fourth in Duckburg (1976) - a correction!
- Egypt Has a New Disney Publisher at last (Mohamed Ameen Inverted Logic)
Someone U Know
- Timuktu / Tombouctou ?
Nils Lid Hjort
- Tim[b]uktu / Tombouctou ?
H.W.Fluks at telecom.tno.nl
- addendum: July Fourth In Duckburg
dennis books
- Countries
UNDBKB at aol.com
- Paerino anno 2001
- Egypt (and the Rest of the World Too)
Matthew Williams
- Italian tycoons and the law
Marco Barlotti
- Duckburg : Barks versus Italia
- Walt Disney Treasures DVDs - German Edition
Cord Wiljes
- Walt Disney Treasures DVDs
Eta Beta
- DCML Digest Issue 20
Don Rosa
- Islamic religion in Barks stories
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Duck merchandise + opinions on Daisy
- About Daisy
ZeldasTriforce at aol.com
- DCML Digest, Vol 11, Issue 14/Gemstone Future Comics
ZeldasTriforce at aol.com
- Paperino anno 2001
- Opinions on Daisy~
Madame Jennifer Inantaz
- Scrooge always obeying the law??
Larry Giver
- the Rest of the World Too
H.W.Fluks at telecom.tno.nl
- Scrooge always obeying the law??
- Paperino anno 2001
- Scrooge always obeying the law??
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Barks quote
Daniel J. Neyer
- Barks quote
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Free Comic Book Day ?
Mads Jensen
- DCML Digest, Vol 11, Issue 21
Maximilian Baumgart
- Don + Meeting
Lars Jensen
- Biquinho
Lars Jensen
- WDC&S #4 - complimentary copy?
Pedersen Hans
- Top 300 US Comics December Sales
ZeldasTriforce at aol.com
- DCML Digest Issue 23
Don Rosa
- Regarding Free Comic Book Day
Danehog at aol.com
- Scrooge obeying the law
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Free Comic Book Day
UNDBKB at aol.com
- WDC&S #4
UNDBKB at aol.com
- P.S. (Scrooge obeying the law)
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Scrooge obeying the law
timo ronkainen
- Regarding Free Comic Book Day
SRoweCanoe at aol.com
- Countries
Simon de Beer
- Disney urban legends
Cord Wiljes
- DCML Digest Issue 25
Don Rosa
- art
mnaiman1 at cox.net
- Disney Adventures Volume 14, number 1 (February 2004)
Shad Z.
- Another source for Disney comics in America: Disney Princess magazine
Shad Z.
- Rosa's comments on Scrooge obeying the law
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Another source for Disney comics in America: Disney Princess magazine
Shad Z.
- Scrooge Obeying the Law
- Scrooge Obeying the Law
sgarciab at soluziona.com
- Polish Family Tree now on-line
mateusz lis
- ZM 78-07-23, xapp (de.dbi)
Simo Malinen
- ZM 77-07-31 - br?/de? story ID /xapp/desc?
Simo Malinen
- ZM 63-08-18, xapp?
Simo Malinen
- w.dbi dk/de/fr/it.dbi - descs W OS 1184-07 etc.
Simo Malinen
- ZM 77-07-31 - br?/de? story ID /xapp/desc?
H.W.Fluks at telecom.tno.nl
- Another source for Disney comics in America: Disney Princess magazine
Shad Z.
- Philco Radio in "Attaaack!"
Arne Voigtmann
- FCBD 2004
UNDBKB at aol.com
- Fun and Fancy Free on DVD
Kjell Croné
- DCML Digest Issue 28
Don Rosa
- (OT) sorry, previous mails
Simo Malinen
- Biquinho
Arthur Faria Jr.
- Buying Disney Comics in Florida
Simon de Beer
- About Daisy
Simon de Beer
- Scrooge Obeying the Law
Carey Furlong
- addendum: July Fourth In Duckburg
dennis books
- addendum: July Fourth In Duckburg
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Uncle Scrooge/Law-Abiding
L. Schulte
- DCML Digest, Vol 11, Issue 22
Gary Leach
- FCBD 04
Gary Leach
- Comic Shops in Florida
UNDBKB at aol.com
- Scrooge Obeying the Law
- Gladstone Subscription Transfers to Gemstone
Carey Furlong
- About Daisy
Matthew Williams
- Scrooge obeying the law - Uncle Scrooge/Law-Abiding
- Gemstone's FCBD
UNDBKB at aol.com
- Gemstone's FCBD
Frank Bubacz
- About Daisy
Arthur Faria Jr.
- Scrooge always obeying the law??
HorizonHse at aol.com
- The I-Team & The Riverside Rovers (again)
Rich Bellacera
- Riddled
Gary Leach
- The I-Team & The Riverside Rovers (again)
Rich Bellacera
- About Daisy
Matthew Williams
- Question about "Romano Scarpa - Sognando la Calidornia"
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Calidornia Dreaming
Eta Beta
- Biquinho
Lars Jensen
- Scrooge always obeying the law??
Lars Jensen
- Donald and the girls
Lars Jensen
- Donald and the girls
Frank Bubacz
- Inspiration for Scrooge
Dyer, Sonia
- Are there TWO Professor Zeros?
Rich Bellacera
- Daisy
Katie Sullivan
- Jules Coenen
Pascal Oost
- Daisy's Mother?
Matthew Williams
- Daisy's Mother?
Rich Bellacera
- Are there TWO Professor Zeros?
Rich Bellacera
- RICH, others: "Daisy's mother"
ramapith at mail.dk
- Biquinho
Arthur Faria Jr.
- DCML Digest Issue 33
Don Rosa
- Jules Coenen
H.W.Fluks at telecom.tno.nl
- DCML Digest, Vol 11, Issue 32
kimba1962 at comcast.net
- Daisy & the Riverside Rovers [was: DCML Digest, Vol 11, Issue 32]
Rich Bellacera
- Daisy & the Riverside Rovers [was: DCML Digest, Vol 11, Issue 32]
Rich Bellacera
- Origin of Scrooge
Dyer, Sonia
- DCML Digest Issue 35
Don Rosa
- Riverside Rover #12?
Rich Bellacera
- Questions for Mr. Rosa
Anthvvuono at aol.com
- DCML Digest Issue 36
Don Rosa
- Donald and the Girls
Lars Jensen
- Vacation
Lars Jensen
- The I-Team & The Riverside Rovers (again)
Lars Jensen
- Forbes Fictional 15
Lars Jensen
- Riverside Rover #12?
Lars Jensen
- Biquinho
Lars Jensen
- Riverside Rover #12?
Rich Bellacera
- Biquinho
Rich Bellacera
- About Daisy
Jonathan H. Gray
- Uncle Scrooge/Law-Abiding
Jonathan H. Gray
- Donald and the girls
Jonathan H. Gray
- how to mark Carl Barks' 103th birthday
Lunnan & Hjort
- Vacation Van Honk
Matthew Williams
- Thoughts on Daisy
Danehog at aol.com
- Mickey Mouse in Color - Reissued?
Danehog at aol.com
- Gemstone Coloring
YMH at aol.com
- DCML Digest Issue 37
Don Rosa
- Mickey Mouse in Color - Reissued?
Mads Jensen
- Daisy : a real character?
- Daisy : a real character? Part II: but...
- Questions about Lo$
- Envy and Greed
L. Schulte
- DCML Digest, Vol 11, Issue 38
Mads Jensen
- Vacation Van Honk
Rich Bellacera
- Whitewater & Fethry Duck
Rich Bellacera
- The Riverside Rovers/Gilbert Goof
Jonathan H. Gray
- Vacation Van Honk
Jonathan H. Gray
- Thoughts on Daisy
Jonathan H. Gray
- Donald and the Girls
- Gemstone's Coloring
Anthvvuono at aol.com
- "Letter from Home" cover
Anthvvuono at aol.com
- The Riverside Rovers/Gilbert Goof
Rich Bellacera
- A house is not a home, unless it's a houseboat....
Rich Bellacera
- Comic Book Coloring
Danehog at aol.com
- Further Daisy Analysis
Danehog at aol.com
- Gemstone's Coloring
Danehog at aol.com
- Scrooge in Europe
- On this and that...
Gary Leach
- Mouston
Gary Leach
- Gemstone's Coloring
YMH at aol.com
- Previews of April 2004 Gemstone Comics
ZeldasTriforce at aol.com
- A house is not a home, unless it's a houseboat....
Shad Z.
- DCML Digest
Don Rosa
- Disney Adventures Volume 13, number 7 (September 2003)
Shad Z.
- Disney Adventures Volume 13, number 9 (November 2003)
Shad Z.
- Disney Adventures Volume 13, number 10 (December/January 2003/2004)
Shad Z.
- Disney Adventures Comic Zone (Winter 2004)
Shad Z.
- Donald and the girls
Lars Jensen
- Vacation Van Honk
Lars Jensen
- Riverside Rover #12?
Lars Jensen
- DCML Digest Issue 36
Lars Jensen
- Whitewater and Fethry
Lars Jensen
- Donald's Height
sdebeer at talk21.com
- Gemstone Name-of-City "rules"
sdebeer at talk21.com
- Scrooge's past
Anders Christian Sivebæk
- DD pre-Barks
- Donald and the girls
Frank Bubacz
- LARS: Reginella
Rich Bellacera
- Whitewater and Fethry
Shad Z.
- Gemstone Name-of-City "rules"
Rich Bellacera
- Matilda is not Don's creation
Anders Christian Sivebæk
- Whitewater and Fethry
Lars Jensen
- The Riverside Rovers/Gilbert Goof
Lars Jensen
- Gemstone: "Uncle Scrooge" 329 needs a Rosa cover
Anthvvuono at aol.com
- Height of Mickey,Donald,Goofy
dennis books
- Reply: "Dream of a Lifetime" cover does exist
Anthvvuono at aol.com
- Whitewater and Fethry
Shad Z.
- Pixar-Disney Partnership to End
Cord Wiljes
- DCML Digest Issue 46
Don Rosa
- Rosa's 329
Gary Leach
- Reply: Rosa's 329
Anthvvuono at aol.com
- Translators and others
Anders Christian Sivebæk
- Donald and the Girls
Last message date:
Sat Jan 31 22:29:24 CEST 2004
Archived on: Thu Mar 23 17:51:22 CEST 2006
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).