July 2006 Archives by thread
Starting: Sat Jul 1 04:14:08 CEST 2006
Ending: Mon Jul 31 23:20:15 CEST 2006
Messages: 107
- Wendigo
Elaine Ramshaw
- Wendigo
danshane at bellsouth.net
- Wendigo / Hiawathan [not] spoken here
nils at math.uio.no
- Wendigo
M.J. Prior
- Wendigo
Donald D. Markstein
- Peeweegah speak
Dan Shane
- Hiawathan
Elaine Ramshaw
- Erratum!
Elaine Ramshaw
- Still confused..
Dan Shane
- Hiawatha rhythm
Donald D. Markstein
- Donald Markstein
Marc Newman
- Toonopedia
Donald D. Markstein
- Confusion?
cgeraci at insightbb.com
- Hiawatha rhythm
Donald D. Markstein
- Disney Comics In Syria
- Hiawatha rhythm
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Duck comics in Uk
- Barks's rhythm
Donald D. Markstein
- Delta Dimension, Dinkie, C.O.A. and more
- Delta Dimension, Dinkie, C.O.A. and more
David Gerstein
- Delta Dimension, Dinkie, C.O.A. and more
- Muscles Mc Gurk?!
- Muscles Mc Gurk?!
blascolorenzo at libero.it
- Super Ducks
Gary Leach
- DCML Digest, Vol 41, Issue 12
kimba1962 at comcast.net
- Super Ducks
Victor B A
- DCML Digest, Vol 41, Issue 12
- DCML Digest, Vol 41, Issue 12
David Gerstein
- Garvey Gull v. Sonny Seagull
- Muscles Mc Gurk?!
blascolorenzo at libero.it
- Garvey Gull (was RE: DCML Digest, Vol 41, Issue 12)
David Gerstein
- DCML Digest, Vol 41, Issue 13 (Garvey Gull)
kimba1962 at comcast.net
- Sonny and Gar
Gary Leach
- Further on S and G
Gary Leach
- New book on Carl Barks's work tells of Scrooge McDuck and more
editorial asst
- Garvey Gull vs. Sonny Seagull
David Gerstein
- Mickey's face
Elaine Ramshaw
- Face color
Gary Leach
- Barks/Don
Marc Newman
- DCML Digest, Vol 41, Issue 19
Donald D. Markstein
- DCML Digest, Vol 41, Issue 19
Luca Boschi
- Duck comics in Uk
Lars Jensen
- "100% fact based comics"
M.J. Prior
- Knowing of Carl Barks
Rob Klein
- Knowing of Carl Barks
SRoweCanoe at aol.com
- A Question about Dutch Zorro stories
Niels Houlberg Hansen
- Dutch Zorro stories
M.J. Prior
- Duck comics in UK---and Beyond !!
- Argentinian Comics
Vernon Meiers
- Paperin Crusoe
Germund von Wowern
- Guardians of the Lost Library
mnaiman1 at cox.net
- Guardians of the Lost Library
Michael Naiman
- D 2005-070: recommended reading!
Ole Damgaard
- Delta Dimension, Dinkie, and Muscles Mc Gurk
Fluks, H.W. (Harry)
- Archives volumes
Gunnarsson, Joakim SE - HMJ
- English Language Disney Comics Forum
Vernon Meiers
- English Language Disney Comics Forum
- Eisner Awards 2006
- DCML Digest, Vol 41, Issue 28
rodney-selfhelpbikeco at juno.com
- English Language Disney Comics Forum
Daniel van Eijmeren
- English Language Disney Comics Forum
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Rodney's scrubbed email about fora
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Reconstruction of the DCML archives 1992-2006
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Possible Archive Volumes
- Reconstruction of the DCML archives 1992-2006
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Moderation of DCML and McDuck
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Rodney's scrubbed email about fora
Daniel van Eijmeren
- Moderation of DCML
- Direct references to Barks-stories
Kai Saarto
- Moderation of DCML
Daniel van Eijmeren
- moderation of DCML
Kai Saarto
- To DCML or not to DCML?
Dan Shane
- DCML Digest, Vol 41, Issue 30
Per Starbäck
- Direct references to Barks-stories
Fluks, H.W. (Harry)
- DCML Digest, Vol 41, Issue 32
Donald D. Markstein
- [Fwd: Re: Moderation of DCML]
Stefan Persson
- Barks' self-references
Robert Hutchings
- Huey in Ducktales
Arie Fachrisal
- Cross-references
jerryblake2 at juno.com
- Barks References
UNDBKB at aol.com
Last message date:
Mon Jul 31 23:20:15 CEST 2006
Archived on: Mon Jul 31 23:21:58 CEST 2006
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